Fully Customizable

Fully Customizable

You determine how calls are categorized and routed. Set up custom, dynamic sub-folders for every user instantly. Or, organize all your calls by date, time, and status with just three clicks. An easy to use drag-and-drop interface gives you access to over 20 call attributes when setting up your configuration, giving you over 7 trillion different ways to set up your account. It's quick. And it's easy.

Use Your Existing Storage

Use Your Existing Storage

RingClone connects to your Microsoft Azure, Amazon S3, DropBox, Google Drive, box.com, OneDrive, or on-premises/SFTP storage, allowing you to use your existing storage solution for archiving.

Set It And Forget It

Set It And Forget It

After you set up your account, RingClone runs in the background. Redundant processes ensure that all calls are archived and channeled through your data routing configuration.

Create Custom, Printable Reports

Fulfill your compliance needs with custom report generation from the archive portal. RingClone tracks every detail of your call history. Search by name, phone number, extension number, location, and date. With only a few clicks, either:

  • Batch download a collection of recordings and call logs
  • Or generate a portable, printable report

Create Custom, Printable Reports

Listen to Calls Directly Inside the Search Portal

Our search portal doubles as a bridge to your stored archives, giving you instant access to the content (voicemail, recorded calls, text messages). You never have to leave the portal.

Listen to Calls Directly Inside the Search Portal